Strategic Plan – May 2016- June 2019
To be a world class community club promoting lawn bowls.
To be active in the lawn bowls and general community by:
- Providing affordable and accessible participation to lawn bowls for everyone in the community.
- Providing pathways, competition, challenges and opportunities at all levels of the sport.
- Understanding, embracing and valuing the differences within the lawn bowls community.
- Promoting Lawn bowls as healthy, safe and enjoyable sport for people of all ages.
- Participation – An inviting accessible experience for everyone.
- Fun – Promote enjoyment of lawn bowls and club facilities through good sportsmanship, a welcoming environment and dynamic programs.
- Inclusive – Encourage a broad section of the community to use our facilities for their enjoyment and betterment.
- Ethical – Conduct ourselves in accordance with our codes of behaviour at all times.
- Trust and integrity – Build an environment of trust through open, transparent and honest leadership.
- Safe – Provide a safe environment that protects and considers everyone’s physical and emotional well being.
- Healthy lifestyle – Provide the ability for all to participate and lead an active lifestyle.
Strategic Pillars | Participation | Facilities and Infrastructure | High Performance | Governance & Finance | Marketing & Communication | Member Wellbeing | Coaching & Officiating |
Aspirational Goals | To provide competitive and social bowls activities for all members of the community regardless of skill level. | Develop a facility that meets the standards for state, national and international events, while providing the best facilities for members. | A respected club that achieves continuous success by improving the divisions we play in. | To model best practice in governance integrity and leadership in all levels of the sport at all times ,within a well-managed club. | To be recognised by the public and participants for being one of the most popular and successful lawn bowls clubs in South Australia and Australia. | All levels of members have a welcoming and friendly club to use for personal recreational and/or sporting needs. | Enable the club to have sufficient coaches, technical officials and volunteers that are appropriately accredited, registered and supported at all levels. |
Key Objectives | PA1
Increase numbers playing social (night owls) and competitive bowling. |
Plan, develop and build a facility that has 12 world class undercover synthetic rinks and 12 high quality external grass rinks. |
Win Division Pennants so that within 5 years we have sides in Premier league, Division 2 and Division 3 on Saturday and Premier level on Wednesdays. |
Develop governance that ensures the best social, sporting and financial performance for the club. |
Improve the profile of the club to become a destination facility for a wide range of stakeholders. |
Create a culture of inclusion, fairness and social attractiveness, including supporting disadvantaged groups. |
Prioritize support and development of umpires. |
Continue to conduct Open tournaments with Prizes to increase external patronage of our bowls facilities. |
Develop a facility that is able to be used for special lawn bowls events and provides exceptional viewing and playing facilities for all levels of players. |
To develop junior and social players to enable them to compete at any level available to them. |
Improve business performance to ensure the club at least breaks even on operating performance year on year. |
Foster healthy and vibrant relationships with members and key stakeholders. |
Comply with our constitution at all times and deal with all behavioural issues fairly and quickly. |
Encourage positive behaviours in lawn bowls that are recognized as leading the sporting community. |
Work with Bowls SA to use the facility as an initial bowls introduction centre to increase overall participation. |
In conjunction with Bowls SA and other stakeholders market the facilities for community and corporate use. |
Attract new members who will add to on field performance improvements. |
Use our assets to create a financially viable and sustainable club. |
Develop and implement a business model that increases paid events at the club. |
Promote responsible service of alcohol at all times. |
To have more than sufficient depth and quality of coaching to ensure high standards of athlete development across club. |
Increase the participation of schools and other community organisations in the sport of lawn bowls. |
Increase the number, value and efficacy of sponsorships that sustain the club and support local businesses. |